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Chartres is a town 90 km south west from Paris
in the department Eure et Loir (28)
part of the region Centre Val de Loire.
Chartres is the 6th most popolous city of the region
after Tours, Orleans, Bourges, Blois and Chateauroux.

The heart city lies on a rock surrounded by the river Eure.

Chartres a a beautiful foodmarked
located in a beautiful Baltard style Halle
located place Billard in the heart of the city.
La Halles de Chartes was constructed in 1899
inspired by the Halles de Baltard in Paris.
The Halle is illuminated at night

The town is known for its cathedral
Notre Dame de Chartres.

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The Cathedral Notre Dame de Chartres
Our Lady of Chartres
is the symbol of the city.
Mainly constructed between 1194 - 1220
The cathedral is a reference
of high Gothic architecture.

Listed as a UNesco heritage site in 1979
it is described as a Masterpiece
of French Gothic Art

Books about the Chartres Cathedral
in French and in English

Souvenirs from the Chartres Cathedral Windows

Chartres is also known for the
Beaux Arts Museum
Ecole Museum
Vitrail Museum

Chartres is a gateway to the Loire Valley

Books about the Loire Valley
in French and in English

Rent cars in Chartres
Hertz has a car rental agency
40 boulevard de la Courtille
28000 Chartres
+33 2 37 28 66 06

Hertz logo 125x125

To find people of companies
from Chartres
please go to
Phone Book of the World

Tourist and Travel information
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /

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View on the Palais Epistophal Chartres, photo by Rene Boulay