Visit is edited by Phone Book of the World.
based in the old old old Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon /
a Telecomunications Hotspot
and once upon a time
seat of the Royal French Postal Services
11 rue des Dechargeurs
75001 Paris
(RCS Paris B 451 338 792)

The site Visit
is in an early state of development.

The dot com domain
Visit is a part of the
Phone Book of the World
domain collection
which started in the 1990s.

In case you have a passion for Chartres
and you should have a project
adding more content than what we have created
you can still buy the domain

As more and more websites use
"Visit" in their adress
and this website will be more developped
the price will go up
over time

buy the domain
via the domain platform Sedo

There are many many Tourist Info Sites
around the World,
all using completely different names.

Different languages or even local internet codes
can make it difficult to remember them.

With the arrival of the Internet
the designers of some pioneering Tourist Info sites
started to use the expression "Visit"
followed by the name of a city or a country
and the universally recognized TLD
dot com,
always dot com

"Visit" is easy to understand
for every tourist around the globe.
The expression comes from "Visitors Bureau",
an American / British / Scandinavian term
for Tourist Office / Office de Tourisme.

The first Visit website
might be Visit New registered 1996 april 21
followed by Visit registered 1998 nov 02

Today almost every day
a new "Visit" site comes alive.

In case you have a website
with interesting infos for tourists
like a museum
we can integrate your site
into the search engine
on the homepage

y "at"

Tourist information sites
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /